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This Fact Sheet was written on October 01, 2005.
The status of the standard at the time was:
Published in December 2001.
This Fact Sheet was last verified on October 14, 2009
The National Transportation Communications for Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Protocol (NTCIP) is a family of standards that provides both the rules for communicating (called protocols) and the vocabulary (called objects) necessary to allow electronic traffic control equipment from different manufacturers to operate with each other as a system. The NTCIP is the first set of standards for the transportation industry that allows traffic control systems to be built using a "mix and match" approach with equipment from different manufacturers. Therefore, NTCIP standards reduce the need for reliance on specific equipment vendors and customized one-of-a-kind software. To assure both manufacturer and user community support, NTCIP is a joint product of the National Electronics Manufacturers Association (NEMA), the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), and the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). More information concerning the NTCIP family of standards and their related documents is available in the NTCIP 9001 - NTCIP Guide, available on-line at (www.ntcip.org).
Prior to the establishment of the NTCIP, traffic management systems used a number of proprietary protocols to exchange information with field devices such as traffic signal controllers and dynamic message signs. The goal of all NTCIP standards is to identify a common set of non-proprietary communications protocols that address requirements for center-to-center and center-to-field communications and promote interoperability.
This standard, NTCIP 2302 - Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) Application Profile, defines the rules and procedures for simple file exchange between two entities. It is intended for applications that do not require complex interactions between the entities involved in the transfer. It specifies the requirements for the implementation of a simple file transfer mechanism in a field device or traffic management center and adapts an Internet standard (IAB STD 33 - RFC 1350:1992, TFTP Protocol) to transportation. It restricts operations only to transfers and does not provide authentication, thus imposing only minimal implementation requirements.
This standard defines a combination of base standards and protocols used to provide specific functions and services at the session, presentation, and application layers (5, 6, and 7) of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Reference Model. The seven-layered model describes the basic functions and services of a communication protocol.
This standard, NTCIP 2302 - Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) Application Profile, should be used by equipment manufacturers, systems integrators, and transportation agency personnel. Manufacturers and integrators should understand the specific implementation and operational requirements that it defines. Specification writers and acceptance testers can also find this standard useful, since it defines a profile implementation conformance specification (PICS). Manufacturers, integrators, and users can use this standard as:
a. A checklist to reduce the risk of failure to conform to the standard through oversight;
b. A detailed indication of the capabilities of the implementation;
c. A basis for initially checking the possibility of inter-operating with another implementation; and
d. The basis for selecting appropriate tests against which to assess the claim for conformance of the implementation.
This standard, NTCIP 2302 - Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) Application Profile, defines a profile that is used to establish the rules and procedures for exchanging large files between two entities and is intended primarily for center-to-field applications. For these applications, where field devices may not support full file and directory services, this standard is applicable. Where the field devices support full file and directory service, NTCIP 2303 - File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Application Profile, should be considered.
This standard is applicable to transportation devices and management systems that operate in a variety of transportation applications. As an application profile, it specifies a set of features and a combination of standards and protocols applicable to file exchange in a system. It specifies requirements for the application, presentation, and session layers (layers 7, 6, and 5) of the OSI Reference Model.
The following ITS standards and documents are related and should be considered when using this standard:
The following standards and documents, while not part of the ITS standards, should also be considered when using this standard: